New York's photo chronicle

My first photo of New York, in route to the hotel from La Guardia airport.

From the observation deck at the top of the Rockefler Center (Top of the Rock). You see the Empire State building on the back.

From the observation deck at the top of the Rockefler Center (Top of the Rock). You see the view of the Cental Park.

The crystal star they put on top of the New York's Christmas tree each year. The tree is set in the plaza of the Rockefeller Center.

In front of the United Nations, Visitors Center.

Iran's gift to the United Nations. The portrait of the secratary generals of the UN woven in silk carpets.

UN, "Do unto others what you would have them do onto you."

Iran's section in the Metropolitan meuseum. It's not recognized by the name"Iran" there, it is "Near Eastern" section.

The writting on the wall towards the left reads:
"By the grce of Ahura Mazda, I built this palace... And i built it secure and beautiful and adequate."
Darius I 522-486 B.C.

Cup with a frieze of gazelles, Gold. Northwestern Iran, Caspian region, Early 1st millenium B.C.
Look how beautifully the gazelles' head is tilted out of the cup.

This staute used to be inside (?) World Trade Center towers. They have temporarily put it here and after they reconstruct the towers, it is going to be placed in front of the new buildings as is.

View of the city from top of the rocks in the Central Park. Manhattan is standing on top of big rocks. They need to explode these rocks whenever they want to make foundations for a building.

Times Square, past midnight. This is where the magic of New York overwhelms you. I stood there in the cold windy night, amazed for quite a while.

Chocolate is better in color, or in the robe! M&M store in Times square.
I didn't get a chance to see the statue of liberty. It was too cold and rainy and i was short of time.

Trees on the walls of the Trump building in Manhattan.

The first woman wearing a chador-meshki!!!;)

Do you know what "Amazon" mean?
Amazons were the female warriors in ancient Greek army.

NYC is expensive! We paid 15 bucks for this tiny piece of cake.

I have to admit, in Manhattan you can find cheap food too. I had a very tasty lamb gyro with saffron rice and for $3:50. It was halal meat!

Beautiful Hyacinth flower, in my good friend's Haftsin. Also in Manhattan:)