Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Carrot-Non-Cake!

It refused to rise, and i refused to frost it in return! We ate it nonetheless!


Tameshk said...

Jeerjeerak Joonam

I am so sorry that this carrot cake didn't satisfied your baking taste. Even more I am sorry that I suggested this Non-Cake recipe. In my experience Carrot Cake is not a pouffy cake and it tends to stay flat. I only hope that its taste was favorable!

jeerjeerak said...

no problem at all roja joonam. the taste was totally good. and i won't give up on it! i'm more stubborn than he* is!

*is a "cake", he or she?;)

بانوي جشنواره زمستان said...

من از اين کيک ها مي خوام الآن با چاي ام تو جلسه بخورم

Anonymous said...

هویج خودش شیرینه احتمالا من دوستش داشته باشم چون مربای هویج را هم دوست دارم! اصلا یک ایده ای این دفعه اگر مامانم کیک درست کرد لاش مربای هویج می ریزم!

A Fly on the Wall said...

that looks yum!! i thought too that carrot cakes, or any kind of fruit cakes don't rise very much because they are too heavy.
I miss cake.
which reminds me.
i gotta go sign up for a gym!!!