Friday, November 13, 2009
High in notes and words
And it's been a while that I am blog-shy. But my senses are so awakened tonight that i can't put my head to rest before i have expressed them. I went to Jalal Zolfonoon's concert of traditional Iranian music. To my non-educated ears the music of the old classical Iranian instruments sound are like conversation, like people speaking, like the burst of anger, like the rush of joy, the heavy sigh of sorrow, and yet the dim light of hope. This music speaks to my heart. And then add to this the beauty of the Persian poetry, and singing. The beautiful old words, the rhymes, the combination, the harmony of meanings and metaphors, the rhythm. The perfect dance of words with notes. This combination awakens all that feels inside me. I feel my flesh shivers with the vibration of the stings in Tar, my heart beats with the beats of Daf, my brain vessels widen and I can literally feel the rush of blood through my brain's vessels. I feel light and dizzy, floating in the air. "I was dead, and now i'm living; I was tears and now I'm laughter; Love touched me, and now I am infinite." My translation doesn't do justice to the beautifully harmonized and powerful words in these verses, but you can get an idea what I'm talking about. I doubt any narcotic can give a person this degree of out-of-the-earth pleasure; this vaz-tarab-akandeh-shodan; this high.
از نگاه یاران به یاران ندا میرسد
مرده بدم زنده شدم گریه بدم خنده شدم
ای دل شکایتها مکن تا نشنود دلدار من
تا کی به تمنــــای وصـــــال تو یگـــــانه
بگرديد، بگرديد در اين خانه بگرديد
ای ساربان… ای کاروان…. لیلای من کجا می بری
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Ay Yarum Biya
Video clip: MOSTAFA HERAVI 2009", The Colour of Pomegranates (1968, Sergei Parajanov).
"In this videoclip Mostafa Heravi used and adjusted images of the beautiful film The Color of Pomegranates by Sergei Parajanov (Soviet Union, 1968). Mostafa was inspired by this film and the fact that the song " ey Yarom Bia " ( Ayy Yorum Biyo ) originally comes from the Tajikistan (Badakhshan) singer Muboraksho . Heravi's intention was to create an artistic videoclip that merges the content of the song and film."
More on the video:
Apparently the film, Color of Pomegranates, is a classic. It is a conceptual visual biography of the Armenian ashug and poet Sayat Nova. Read more about it here.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Remembering Esmaeil Fasih

-Find an interview with him here.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Statement by a group of Iranian bloggers about the Presidential elections and the subsequent events
2) We consider the violations in the presidential elections, and their sad consequences a big blow to the democratic principles of the Islamic Republic regime, and observing the mounting evidence of fraud presented by the candidates and others, we believe that election fraud is obvious and we ask for a new election.
3) Actions such as deporting foreign reporters, arresting local journalists, censorship of the news and misrepresenting the facts, cutting off the SMS network and filtering of the internet cannot silence the voices of Iranian people as no darkness and suffocation can go on forever. We invite the Iranian government to honest and friendly interaction with its people and we hope to witness the narrowing of the huge gap between people and the government.
A part of the large community of Iranian bloggers
June 26, 2009
If you are a blogger, please post this in your blog too. We might have differences in our views towards this crisis, but we can stay united on condemning the violence and valuing the lives of our people. Let's have our voices heard. (The complete bilingual version)
Thank you.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
7 killed in Tehran clashes today(AP) .
The irony is that our former president tried to remedy the clash between civilizations, and the current one sets grounds for a domestic kind. It's a bitter time, dear.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A note to my friends who still don't want to vote
I understand that voting is a right, not a duty.
I understand that in this election, and in almost any election in our dear homeland, there are barriers to entry for the type of candidates that you and I approve of.
I understand that you, have put thoughts on your decision of not participating.
And I understand and agree that your decision is personal and others should respect it.
I want to make one last point and I ask you to listen to my argument.
I assume that you and I both agree that our current president is an unsuitable person for the job. But I don't even plea to you to vote in order
to overthrow him.
My argument is this:
Voting is a right, but it is also a civic responsibility. You don't need to be poor yourself to vote for a candidate who want to support the poor. You could have good health and still support facilitation for the disabled. You don't need to be a woman to support women's right. You could be all done with your own academic education, but still stand behind somebody who promotes education. This is my point. You might have come to this decision that YOU don't want to vote under this circumstances. I want to plea to you, that you incorporate others in your decision as well. You and I have a civic responsibility towards them. Here you have a right that many don't. Our underage children don't have a say in politics and our vote will significantly affect them and their future. Some of you have kids, some of you like to have kids in future. You decision to not to vote will influence the future of your own kid. And you know it will.
We have found our ways to live in a place other than Iran, so we are immune from many of the hardships that a bad president could impose. But you most probably still have some people in Iran who you care for and whose everyday lives will be influenced by your voting now.
Voting is a Civic responsibility. Let's be altruistic in our decision, even if it imposes a hardship on our personal judgment. Please vote.
Live proud.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A chocolate post
And here's a blog for all chocolate lovers out there:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gloden fashion proportions

And here's the Levy sisters website:
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Three friends
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Why we cry
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Private life gone public
Now what is interesting here, is the degree of comfort people (including myself) feel when they share dialogs, post pictures, reply to messages, and etc in these mediums. I don't know how it is for you, but to me, it's like i forget that other non-close people are present there and can see these info. Another example is the mailing lists. I am actively involved in two mailing lists. One is my highschool friends, and the other is the alumni of the university i graduated from. In both lists, i have people that i know closely, and they happen to be the ones that are more pronounced in the list and post often. But there are again many other silent members that i don't know who receive these correspondents. Again, i tend to forget that they are ever there. Same thing goes with this blog too. Although i am not using my name here, but most of the people that read here know my identity, and i would definately won't say some of the things i write here, where strangers who know me, or not, are physically present.
So, just observing the comfort people feel in sharing their private life in virtual world, makes me wonder why we are careless about all this?
As a side note, i have this theory to answer my own concern. But it is not a very satisfying answer, anyway. I call it "Too much info = No info". The amount of information online has gone so crazily up that your information is a tiny insignificant portion of this vast pool and people have no time or will to digg into your personal information, while there is tons of other more interesting things for them to explore. But who knows, someone might.
Anyways, long post, and i generally dislike long posts. It will not happen anytime soon:)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The last spin of the old year
The last day of the old year has begun.
My small apartment is filled with the loud noise of the dishwasher.
As i listen the the spins of iron and steal and the sound of water waves in the machine,
my mind drifts back to revisit the moment that passed in the past year.
Here's a smiley day; there's a teary one.
Here's a crisp rainy September day bellow a tree in a park, there's a shivering winter night of no sleep.
The machine spins, and so does my mind.
It mixes all the black and white days of the past year.
A gray spinoff in my head. I like the color gray. It goes nicely with magenta, with pink too.
I can decorate gray.
The echos of storm in my dishwasher,
The blood beats in my brain.
The machine stops, my head is still spinning!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Six Norooz dresses
2005: A black and red organza top. It has sleeves but the sleeves were open on top and had stings to tie up in 3 places. It also had shiny bids on it. I wore it with the skirt i had bought in a Frank and Taylor closse out sale, a layered black miniskirt. I liked the outfit, but neither of them fit me now. I've shed a few pounds since then.
2006: The purple velvet long dress. It had pink and purple shinny sequins on its chest. I wore this dress to a friend's wedding later.
2007: A prom dress! With the big puffy skirt and corset top. It was in lilac color, with shinny bids in form of flower stems hand sewed on it. I found the dress in a clearance in DC's Macy's with my parents.
2008: I spent a big deal of time picking a dress for this year. I went to almost all stores in town, and couldn't find anything that would fall for. At the very last minute, in an unprecedented store i found this simple but pretty black and white short dress. It was white on the breasts, then black down. It had a big square shape colar, and i found a big square silver necklace to go with it.
2009: a long brown velvet pattern on organza dress. A gift from my cousin in Texas. I wore it with a black velvet coat on top, and paired it with brown patten fabric shoes my aunt sent me from iran. My mom's big jade earrings complemented the outfit beautifully.
Six Norooz parties in US, and six outfits. May all of you spend the Norooz and the New year in the nice outfits that bring out your beauty, inner and outer :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Norooz on the way
One of the hits that my blog gets pretty often, is on my old post of "how to grow sabzeh" for the Haftseen. This year i'm going to be home for Saal-tahvil. So i enthusiastically grew 2 plates of Sabze, one lentil and one wheat, as it is the tradition in our family. I will post a photo of them later on.
For now look at this video. Steven Colbert talks about his picture used in an store ad in Iran, and commercialism of Norooz. Very funny.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
The rule of Law
Why is it so? Is it because the drivers there don't know the rule? Is there a rule there to guide poeple in such incidents, at all? Is it because drivers in Iran forget the traffic laws and regulations? Why is there this big difference between here and there? Why?
P.S. "There’s a continuum of disorder. Obviously
murder and graffiti are two vastly different crimes. But
they are part of the same continuum, and a climate that
tolerates one is more likely to tolerate the other.”
-Rudy Guiliani
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Joshua Radin- Brand New Day
Some kind of magic, happens late at night
When the moon smiles down at me, and bathes me in it's light
I fell asleep beneath you, in the tall blades of grass
When I woke the world was new, I never had to ask
It's a brand new day; The sun is shining...
Beautiful music, even more beautiful lyrics. It's so in harmony with my vision of life: that Sun always shines even after the darkest and longest night. It doesn't matter if you messed up the day before, if life was harsh on you, if it didn't happen. Now it's a new day. All new and shining. A new gift of life.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
National Acrobats of China

Thursday, February 05, 2009
Rape Aggression Defense Systems (R.A.D.)
Anyways, there are still 3 more session of this to go, but i highly recommend you make time to take this class. If you are in US or Canada (check their website here).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Three stories in a snowy birthday night
In old old days, a teacher learned that one of his students has had a break down and has wandered off. He went to seek him, and found him in a terrible shape. The student said i didn't deserve your valued lessons, I have failed you as a student. The teacher said you are still my student and i have come this far to find you and give you your new lesson. The lesson is: Never turn back on yourself. Never let other people make you disappointed in yourself. Never let them make you blame yourself. Cause as soon as you start turning back on yourself, you will ignore the wellbeing of your body and soul, and you would accept any assault towards your body and soul. always be friend with yourself and always give yourself the chance to make up for your mistakes. I repeat again, be the last one in the world who turns back on yourself, and this is my lesson to you today.
Act 2: Layla... Layla... Layla
An intern went to visit a mental institution. In the first hall he visited he saw a very sad man, sitting by the wall, the tears rolling down his cheeks. Every often he would bang his head to the wall crying out "Layla... Layla... Layla...". The intern asked what is wrong with this man, the nurse said, he was in love with a girl named Layla, but his love was unfruitful.
In the next hall, the intern sees a man in rage, chained to the bed, but angrily struggling and shouting out in fury: "Layla.. Layla... Layla...". The intern asked what's wrong with this one? The nurse answered: He married that Layla!
Act 3: Gratitude
Why is birthday a special day in one's calendar? This year, my answer to the question is in the territory of human affections. Your birthday , among all other joys it might bring, is the one day in which you get to get wrapped in the personalized kindness and care of your family and friends. It's when your sometimes cynical mind, is reassured of the abundance of kindness and care in human interactions. I am thankful to all my dear friends, and to you my reader for the kindness of your hearts.

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Barack and Michelle Obama's First Dance
They danced to Etta Jones's song, At Last, sung beautifully by Beyonce. The highlight of all the sparkles of the day to me.