Thursday, November 01, 2007

Reverse Speech

This  video is really interesting. I ran into it in a
friend's gmail status. It's a part of a TED talk.
You might think the song is tailored to work that
way... it could have, but the idea of Reverse Speech
is that even in the statements we make, there
are words and phrases spoken unconsciously that are
revealed only when our recorded speech is played in

A famouse example is
Neil Armstrong's "That's one
small step for man" , which in reverse would sound
like "Man will space walk." Read more about it here
and here.I remember in one episode of The Simpsons,
they showed
a popular teenagers rock band playing a song
which in reverse would read "Join the Army"!

Post Script: by writing this post i didn't mean that i totally believe or support
this Reverse Speech theory. It was a new thing to me and i found it interesting.
Now whether we speak words unconscionably, is something i look skeptical to as well.


Tameshk said...

Jeerjeerak joonam

I remember that Simpson's episode. it was hilarious!

I think there are many other ways for revealing one's unconscious besides reveres speech. for example in our (writings)typo's or when we mispronounce a word; all of these are little windows to our unconscious.

Anonymous said...

Jeerjeerak Jaan,
Michael Shermer is the founder of The Skeptics Society and what he actually does is being skeptic about these strange- and possibly fake scientific claims. This is his whole talk in Ted Talks:
and he is actually making fun of this phenomenon. I think his main point is that you find whatever you want in a fuzzy picture or sound.

Anonymous said...

It was interesting that you had found me through my farsi pages. I wish I had time to work on them and make them better.
It's a while I am reading your blog. We have a lot of common friends!
I am a little lazy in leaving comments specially with this google reader! but I always enjoy reading your posts.