Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Today I went to a student's home to proctor an exam. The poor girl has fractured her spine while ice-skating. She has to be immobile in a cast for 6 months. Just imagine they force you to lie in bed wearing a plastic cast and stare into the ceiling for 6 hours, let alone months; unbearable. She can move her limbs, so she had a special table with some hangers that would fix the paper up above her face so that she can write the answers to the test. Yet she was in good spirit and was trying to graduate in May.

It's just a matter of seconds to have an accident, and it could happen to anybody. The next time that I begin feeling low, I'm gonna remember today and remind myself that I'm blessed with many many good things that I often take for granted.

P.S.1. Her mother had come from Taiwan to take care of her, so she was in good hands.
P.S.2. The mother kept serving me tea and fruits and goodies. It seems Taiwanese have the same hospitality codes as Iranians.
P.S.3. (back to the title) She offered me such a magnificent chocolate. It is a Japanese Chocolate called Meltyblend. Truly good. A soft bitter-sweet melty cube chocolate covered in cocoa dust. Yummmy. I totally recommend it. If you found a store that carries it, let me know too!


A Fly on the Wall said...

yum i love chocolate!! Will try to find meltyblend :-)
and the poor girl. You don't realize the basic health that we all take for granted. The fact that we have arms and legs and hands and ... My grandpa used to quote imam ali, and say we should send a prayer when we inhale and another when we exhale.

Oh and well done for the list of the blogs!! I am so proud of you :-P

jeerjeerak said...

It did take me a while to figure it out, so i appreciate the aknowlegment!;)

Mehrnaz Memar said...

Did you give the poor girl good marks after eating her delicious chocolates?!!!