Monday, March 05, 2007

Norouz is coming

Yesterday I went to the whole food store and got some wheat to grow for my haft-seen. In the picture you see my last year's lentis Sabzeh. This year I'm growing wheat for a change:-)
The New Year spirit is in the air.

P.S. How to grow Sabzeh
-Soak the wheat in water for 24 hours
-Wrap it in a wet cloth for 2-3 days. Make sure that the wheat and the cloth is damp at all time, but there is no excess water in the bowl.
-tranfer the young sprouts to the plate you want your sabze in, and give them sunshine and water and sing to them!!!


A Fly on the Wall said...

Oh very nice sabzeh!! I am so bad, I don't worry about a haftseen when it's just me!!

Carlos Hani said...

Frida jan, nice...
it's goof in the story LOL yeah but the boy went to school when he was 5!
LOL ghorbonet

Mehrnaz Memar said...

I think I am going to grow "sabzeh" for the first time this year. Do you think it is late? Do you know which grain grows faster?

jeerjeerak said...

Mehrnaz jan,, you're just in time, start right now! Get the wheat, it is the fastest I think.

Anonymous said...

there is a whole food in U-C?

jeerjeerak said...

Strawberry field!
This clearly says that Sima has done all the grocery shoppings in your seven years here;)

Anonymous said...

ok sorry to bug you - i put my sabze- addas - approx 5 days ago. last yr when i did it , it looked great! but i think it was all chance!! this yr i see it growing a tiny bit but its very uneven... one of the major problmes i think i have this time is that i pilled up too much lentil on it.. could that be a problme? do you have suggestions? i live in vegas and its pretty dry here so i water it alot but im thining since its so think should i water more?
anyway, any suggestion woul dbe appreciate it - even if its " start another one!!"thanks!

jeerjeerak said...

Well, if it is too much lentil, you can't do anything about it now, cause the roots are all clogged to each other. I say give your sabze more sunlight, and make sure the roots are moist all the time, but not soaking in water.

It's a bot late to start up a lentil sabze, but you can try another plate with wheat. They grow faster. I got "organic hard red wheat barley" from a health food store this year and so far they are growing well.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much! i will go get that tommorrow. originally i also did get barely. which is what i put last yr.. but this yr i might have gotten a wrong kind.. cause its just siting there and chilling :) nothing at all is happening to it!!

Shadi said...

Last year I tried to grow lentils sabzeh. I did everything based on my mom suggestion but the lentils only absorbed water without seedling or leaf...
After some days the lentils was about to spoil I had no choice except to make a delicious "Adas polo"