My lost library book just came back to me in Campus mail :D
I'm jumping up and down!
This was driving me crazy. I needed the book and it was checked out by another patron for long. I had put on a call back request for it. I waited impatiently for it to come back to circulation; saw the available notice on my account, but i didn't have any good recollection of actually checking this one out at the library desk. But it appeared in my account as checked out. I had looked EVERY inch of my office, apartment , car and 17 bags for it. I was convinced that i'm suffering from Anterograde Amnesia!
The envelope doesn't have any useful information on it, just my campus address and the sender is the mailroom; so i don't know how the book found its way back to me. I bet it has an interesting story to tell, had he be able to talk! Good to finally see you Hosmer and Lemeshow's Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modeling of Time to Event Data!